Finders Keepers (I) (2015)
The Story Behind A Media Circus
26 April 2016
We often see on internet news websites little bits and snips of "weird news", things that seem too bizarre, too inexplicable to be real. The story of John Wood and Shannon Whisnant is one of these stories. Through this documentary, we get a rare glimpse into the lives of the people behind the strange and altogether unlikely series of events that brought two very different men from Carolina together in a battle over, of all things, an amputated leg.

John Wood lost his leg in a fatal plane crash that saw the father he loved, Tom, die. Already a troubled man, the trauma of the crash sent him over the edge, with drug abuse and alienation from his family causing him to enter into a downward spiral. Eventually, everything he owned ended up in a storage unit. Desperate for something to have to reconcile with the event, he took claim of his own amputated limb, and eventually preserved it through a bit of backwoods mummification. It was among the possessions in the shed that was eventually sold to a wheeling-dealing haggler named Shannon Whisnant. Discovering the foot in an old grill, Shannon claimed ownership of the foot after it was discovered to be a medically amputated limb. John wanted it back. The ensuing media attention to the story would change the lives of both men, though to the public at large, it was just another story of Southern-fried strangeness and backwoods idiocy.

Starting with the story of the leg itself, the strange set of circumstances which saw it amputated from its owner and its backwoods method of mummification, the documentary then transitions into the story of the battle over the severed leg, before examining the lives of two men who are, at their core, damaged in more ways than just physical scars and amputated appendages. John, a recovering addict who desperately sought the approval and love of his parents. Shannon, physically abused by his father, like many people in the age of reality television and internet broadcasting desperately seeks fame and recognition.

Although it is an easy trap for many to focus solely on the lurid details of the leg and the battle for it that ensued shortly thereafter, the documentary succeeds in telling a story that you aren't likely to see on reality TV or the internet, examining the lives of both men in an ultimately sympathetic way. About the only fault that can be said for the film is that, while the story is interesting, the documentary becomes thoroughly average. Neither terrible nor exemplary, it succeeds at telling its story from a new and refreshing angle, but the tale it tells is simply not one that is overwhelmingly engrossing. It's competent, and it does an excellent job of taking a look at its subjects in a way that no one prior had even bothered to attempt. But there is only so much story you can get out of the struggle over a severed foot. That and perhaps it is a little too lenient in its examination of the exploitation of these two men by a news and entertainment media that was clearly interested only in the bloody details.
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