If You are A Big Fan You Might Get Upset
3 May 2016
So from a purely technical standpoint the movie is very strong. There is solid cinematography, great audio, well choreographed fight sequences, strong special effects, and very appropriate costume design.

The acting is a bit rigid and the character development gets lost quite a bit in the re-hashing of the previous Batman and Superman movies. Ben Afflek makes a good Batman, delivering the dark broodiness you expect, but as Bruce Wayne he just seems boring and unimpressive. Henry Cavill does the same, presenting a strong Superman character struggling to balance his "humanity" with the fact that he is not human, but as Clark Kent he seems flat and boring.

The film is also clearly rushed. Too much plot development is just cast aside in order to conveniently fit their narrow plot into the 2+ hours allotted for the film. There are large plot holes that make little sense but are there for convenience and they even seem to run trailers for other DC Super Hero movies in the middle of this movie, as if advertising "Yea, we know there could have been a lot more here, but we want to rush this story out first".
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