The Experts (1989)
No wonder it bombed......have another pigs trotter...
9 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Do you remember that Nuclear testing village from The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull? This is the movie version of that scene, but without flying refrigerators.......and any sense of fun.

This film must be really memorable for Travolta though. He met his wife, it killed his cinematic career for a while with any film that didn't have a talking baby, and he couldn't come back for reshooting because he put on too much weight.....

Near the eastern edge of the USSR is a village populated by Russians who speak and act American, where KGB trainees go to practice.

The town is stuck in the 50's, and the new KGB chief fears his agents will fail to learn real US culture. He hires two young American hipsters to open a nightclub.

He drugs them en route to Russia, and they think they've awaken in the Midwest. There they turn a tiki lounge into a hip club, teach townies to dance, and introduce pop culture............with 'hilarious' consequences....

I'll get straight to the point, it's a terrible film, with absolutely nothing going for it. It's too stupid for an adult audience, and way too dark for a family film.

Travolta looks like he's regretting every single moment he's not on screen with Preston, and his obligatory dance scene is cringeworthy, a million miles away from Saturday Night Fever.

Arye Gross looks like his surname sake, and looks totally out of place being in the club business, or having a haircut like that. His fashion and and his actions in this are just so false, you can tell he was uncomfortable performing in this.

It's no wonder the film went on the shelf for a couple of years and vanished without a trace, the humour is non-existent, and it has the feel of the makers knowing they were dealing with an unmitigated disaster during filming....

I'd rather eat a pigs trotter...
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