Mom and Dad (1945)
Better Than Most Films Like It
14 May 2016
Mom and Dad (1945)

** (out of 4)

Joan Blake (June Carlson) is a sweet and innocent teenager who sadly has a mom (Lois Austin) who refuses to talk to her about grown up things. This includes sex and before long Joan is dating a man who talks her into having it. Soon after Joan learns that she is pregnant.

MOM AND DAD is the notorious film that broke all sorts of grounds when it was originally released. Director William Beaudine was known for countless "B" and "C" movies and he actually does a very good job in his role here. Exploitation movies were all around throughout the 30s and 40s but this one here tried to go a bit further. For starters, this one was aimed at the mainstream and it managed to make a lot of money even with its controversial subject. The biggest "shock" for people at the time comes towards the end of the film when we get what would basically become the educational short showing an actual child birth.

But outside the controversy, how is the film? I actually thought it was much better made than countless other films that came before it. Stuff like REEFER MADNESS, SEX MADNESS and CHILD BRIDE were trashy films and they were also very poorly made. This film here tries to be educational in the same way but this here is much better made and at least tries to tell a serious story. It film certainly isn't a masterpiece but you can at least say it was better made than most films like it.

The performances are pretty much what you'd expect, although none of them are too awful. The film does have some campy moments including the mother played by Lois Austin. Her mindset is so silly and campy that you can't help but laugh at her and her thoughts on what should or shouldn't be taught to children. At 97 minutes the film runs on a bit long but for the most part it's mildly entertaining.
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