The Twilight Zone: What You Need (1959)
Season 1, Episode 12
Greed (and slippery shoes) will get you killed
18 May 2016
Sci-Fi/cult series like "The Twilight Zone" (but also others, like "Tales of the Unexpected" or "Tales from the Crypt") always root for the underdog and show no mercy for selfish or obnoxious characters. Modest, introvert and meek characters will be victorious at the end of the ride most of the time, whereas the arrogant ones die a merciless death. Sounds rather logical perhaps, but it's nevertheless a trademark and one that is marvelously illustrated in the "What you need" episode. The plot introduces two-time loser and insignificant swindler Fred Renard, who's sitting in a bar when a street vendor named Pedott comes walking in. Pedott is a kind, gentle and unobtrusive man with a remarkable gift… He knows exactly what his customers need and persuades them to buy things moments before the goods become incredibly useful to them. Fred Renard immediately notices Pedott's unique gift and extorts the poor man into using it to make him rich really fast. His plan initially works quite well, but Renard gets too greedy too quick and his plan backfires. "What you need" is a powerful but obviously very implausible episode. Accepting that Pedott has this unique gift of clairvoyance is one thing, but believing that he never used it for his own benefit and exclusively strives to offer small bits of happiness to complete strangers is an entirely different story… In fact, the Fred Renard character is much more realistic and identifiable, since he wants to make money out of it and – let's be honest – that's what we all would do. Admittedly his methods aren't very nice and thus the twilight zone karma punishes him. "What you need" is low on suspense and surprises, but the contrast between the two protagonists and the fantastic acting performances of both Steve Cochran and Ernest Truex make it more than worthwhile. With a bit of imagination, it's a supernatural variant on the David & Goliath story, and a damn fine I may add.
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