Tales of Wells Fargo: Renegade Raiders (1957)
Season 1, Episode 8
Wells Fargo vs the Cheyenne
19 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
TALES OF WELLS FARGO "Renegade Raiders"1957

TALES OF WELLS FARGO was a western series than ran for a total of 200 episodes between 1957 and 1962. Dale Robertson plays the lead as Jim Hardee. Hardee is an agent for the stage and cargo hauling outfit. When something goes wrong he is the man they send to fix it.

This episode is the 8th of the series. Wells Fargo man Hardee (Dale Robertson) is in Wyoming looking for the reason for attacks on Wells Fargo posts by raiding Indians. At one of the way stations he finds an employee, Francis McDonald has survived an attack by hiding in the cellar.

Robertson and McDonald track the raiders into the hills and find a revolver on the trail. It is a brand that is made in St Joseph Missouri. Robertson heads for St Jo to look into the matter. Robertson figures that an inside man at the St Jo office is shipping guns by Wells Fargo.

Robertson pretends to be a new Wells Fargo recruit and is assigned to Denver Pyle for training. Also in the group is Dan (Bonanza) Blocker, Paul (Rawhide) Brinegar and Morgan Woodward.

After several days of training the four men are sent off to deliver a pair of wagons to Wyoming. Robertson thinks there is something fishy with Pyle but cannot quite put his finger on it.

Next thing you know Robertson is gobbled up by a war party of Cheyenne. It turns out that the Cheyenne have a deal with Mister Pyle. He supplies them with munitions and the Indians give him the cargo off all the captured wagons. Off course the wagon crew are always killed.

Not this time however as Robertson has taken some precautions. He has had McDonald follow and keep tabs on Pyle. When the Cheyenne attack the wagon crew is armed and waiting. The Indians soon lose their stomach for fighting after a few of their saddles are emptied.

Robertson of course escapes capture and turns the tables on Pyle who is now in the bag. The raiding problem is cured and Pyle is off to jail.

This must be the first time I've seen Morgan Woodward in role where he was not a villain.

Directing the episode was George Waggner. A former big screen veteran whose most well-known work is likely, THE WOLFMAN with Lon Chaney Jr and THE FIGHTING KENTUCKIAN with John Wayne.
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