The Black Hen (2015)
An intriguing tale that incorporates numerous politically important parallel stories
5 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Kalo pothi(The Black Hen) can be considered a giant leap in Nepalese cinematography(or movie making in general). The movie primarily intends to develop an abstract chemistry between the viewers and the characters and therefore, making the complicated storytelling as simplified and congenial as possible.While maintaining the element of anticipation, the movie mixes a host of parallel stories together.

The movie basically revolves around the pursuit of a hen a kid hides from his father when the village head orders each and every hen to be sold to him ( which the protagonist's father later sells to a stranger from a different village),but the motive of the storytelling is equally evident in the display of the premise behind the struggles most of the characters in the story have been going through.Based on the times that date back to the Maoist led insurgency in the country, the movie takes us back to a journey of the times when life in rural Nepal was highly perilous to most of the well off families(although it was equally volatile for the commoners as well). Despite being out of the movie's scope, and hardly elaborated with lucidness, the movie definitely depicts the traumas of poverty stricken population to some extent.The portrayal of selfless affectionate friendship between two kids separated by hierarchy of their social statuses(albeit sometimes highlighting the vulnerability in it),is also one of the major elements of the movie.

The background score in particular holds the mystery surrounding the probable plot twists, and does a brilliant job of maintaining a truly mesmerizing environment(even when the plot fails to maintain the attention of the viewers at some points). The way the director sometimes uses occasional non-linearity is highly commendable. At times, the motion picture goes to a break-point slow speeds which might cause some confusion in the viewer's minds, but everything seems well placed and every intent serves its purpose in a way the director is trying to convey some cryptic messages.

Most of the works in the use of symbolism and metaphors used in the movie might be new to Nepalese movie making, but public exposed to foreign movies should be able to comprehend and appreciate it, which, in turns, is a huge positive for the movie in terms of expressing its ingenuity.

Most of the characters have done an incredible job and have justified their particular roles. The quintessential display of the people belonging to Karnali is outstanding.

The lack of a consistent and a concrete story-line, however,(there is one, but it doesn't always stick strictly to it) might be a downside of the movie. Most Nepalese viewers in particular, expect to be avalanched by a string of emotionally powerful events rather than being exposed to a crescendo of tales that culminate into a rather obscure climax(which is the case in this movie). Hence, the lack of it might be something that they would surely find confusing to grasp.

The movie also fails to capture the raw natural beauty of the Karnali region for some reasons, and most shot selections are poor, considering how symbolic the other parts of the movie are. You could hardly ask a lot from a 90min documentary-ish movie, but there are still some parts that could have been improvised better, and some scenes that could have been elaborated with microscopic details, but the director chooses to let the viewers decide.

All in all, if you are anticipating a strong plot with an amiable narration from Kalo Pothi, you are certainly going to be disappointed. It is NOT an entertainment movie and neither is a war-time documentary that you can comprehend with ease. It is something which intrigues and (sometime devastates) you with its powerful imagery.

Many stories have been told in Nepalese cinema history but this one here is something you should be able to hear on your own, and not expect the plot to be elucidated line-by-line. The movie is class apart from what has been going in the mainstream Nepali cinema(i am talking about other powerful movies that have made it big in the industry recently), but only if you are able to match your expectations with the point it is trying to make. Sometimes spine chilling, the sketch is a haunting tale of beleaguered kinds that are somehow forced to succumb to the wartime chaos. An epic drama which may not be pleasing to the eye on the first watch, but one which will surely keep you moved and the terror and the tragic story will eventually linger in your brain for some time.

A definite, and a rare 8 considering the brave intent this movie has exposed us to.
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