Review of Bedevilled

Bedevilled (2010)
no one has properly reviewed this movie as of yet, let me set things straight
21 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
bedevilled is a compelling movie which describes how emotional torment can push a human being (bok-nam) beyond the limits of sanity to the extent that, that being goes on a rampant killing streak. But thats about it, there is nothing deep to this movie. The director and screen write try to be clever by contrasting bok-nam's psychological issues, with her friend (hae-won)ego-centric personality. This egocentricity is displayed when hae-won avoids going into harms way. This can be witnessed in numerous scenes, but is generally highlighted when hae-won sees bok-nam's child murdered by bok-nam's husband, only to deny that she ever witnessed the scene in the first place. One would then think that bok-nam's murderous tendencies are a conduit of redemption, but it reality the movies fails to fully achieve redemption as Bok-nam fails to kill Hae-won (her one friend who betrayed her). If the true intent of the director was to emphasize the theme of redemption then he should have let bok-nam finish her job. Personally speaking I was hoping for a scene in which Hae-won, while at the brink of death, reconciles her wrong doings. Instead we find that bok-nam is killed by the hands of Hae-won, who then turns a new leaf in life. It just seems so pathetic, how can one have such flat characters that only change their view towards life after killing a human being, wasn't the whole point of the film to show that one can't live their life for themselves, rather in order to survive one needs to be caring about other peoples values (what bok-nam did throughout her entire life). In my opinion,by killing off bok-nam there is no justice served, which just leaves a distasteful feeling when the movie ends. Honestly speaking, I have no idea what the director is trying to do in this movie. The implicit themes and messages seem so ambiguous that you don't know whether they are done intentionally or whether its just terrible screen play. It is a shame that this movie fails follow through with its original message because the acting of bok-nam and her husband was done exceptionally well.

Overall this movie doesn't fit into the category of a horror or a thriller because it isn't scary, frightening or even unpredictable. I guess the director was hoping that the gory scenes would provide shock value or some sort of detestation from the viewer but having watched numerous similar films, this one doesn't really strike me as being different I recommend watching this movie just to check it out but in no way is this a master piece like others have suggested.
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