The SyFy Channel finally comes of age with this rather good adaptation of a great book.
23 June 2016
This SyFy Channel offering is all about when nice aliens come to Earth, they are non violent, non threatening and see us as children who need to be guided to get along better. So they offer us the deal of a lifetime, just let them rule and they will end poverty, inequality, illness, war, intolerance and make Earth an actual Utopia.

The 'Earth Supervisor' is Karellen played with imperialistic understatement by Charles Dance, he selects one farmer to be the spokes person and his mouth piece and this is Rick Stormgren (Mike Vogel – 'Under The Dome') and he is used to convey to the World what our dear Overlords want us to do and what they are going to do in return. It seems too good to be true but when you have got it so good why bother rocking the boat. Some obviously do and that is covered too and includes a feisty part for Colm Meaney.

This is really well made, the SFX are incredibly good and the acting all rather top form too, the real strength is the story and how it weaves so many things into the plot but does it both subtly and 'in your face'. I thought it was great and just flew by. Just to note if you were looking for a final denouement, then be prepared there will have to be a season 2 and that is no bad thing with TV of this calibre – recommended.
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