It holds up to scrutiny pretty well
24 June 2016
The Disappearance of Alice Creed was for me a very absorbing 93 minutes. I would like for people to experience it with little to no prior research, so I will be careful to keep this review spoiler free.

The film by virtue of its character development and narrative depth rates more respect than quibbling gawkers evidently give it. The 6.8/10 is too low for my liking and suggests to me that people are failing to sensibly answer their own questions about the film.

Stupidities are all apart of life's rich pageant, and good films cast light on the reality of life. I would agree that the depiction of intelligence in film is more interesting than that of unintelligence, but it is too cynical and ungenerous to outright dismiss a character's stupidity as a cheap and convenient plot device. How conceivable is it given what we know or can reasonably theorize about the character and their circumstances? More importantly, how would the alternatives change the narrative for better or worse?

Some stories that are well worth telling necessitate one or more frustrating plot devices. This film has much to offer in spite of them.
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