Perfect scenario, where seemingly small events prove important after all
28 July 2016
Saw this at the IMAGINE Ltd (1-day mini version) festival 2015 in the EYE film theater/museum in Amsterdam. The well-constructed scenario demonstrates in hindsight that apparently redundant events or things prove to be really thought out in advance, and with good reason making perfect sense after all. The main protagonists seem a bit one-dimensional at first, but that also proves untrue later on in the proceedings. With maybe a single exception (but how sure are we really that he is the "asshole" everyone says he is?), there are no bad characters in the story. We know what really happened all the time, unlike the protagonists who each follow their own path of uncertainty, each one different from the others, each being sure that he/she is doing the right thing. The latter may be the most inventive aspect of the excellent plot. It proves not to be all that sinister after all, but it follows its original flow and works out in a wonderful way. Especially the script writers did a very good job.
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