Riding with Death (1976 TV Movie)
Jim Stafford is the glue that holds these two unrelated television episodes together!
31 July 2016
This 'movie' was featured on the cult television show Mystery Science Theater 3000...I have movie in quotes, because this is just another in a long line of television episodes strung together to form a sort of movie. It is kind of like the Master Ninja movies that MST3K also riffed where the two movies were just four episodes of the show mashed together. Though, they try to add some dialog into this on to make it seem like it is one continuous film, though you can tell the things that were added such as the comments about the elusive Robert Denby and the strange scenes where Abby, one of the characters, is watching what is going on with the main character through a television. The show this particularly bad movie came from is a show called the Gemini Man starring Ben Murphy as some sort of agent who can turn invisible. Like the Incredible Hulk in that it was one of those shows made during this era where they would lead up to the grand effect. In that one, it was waiting for David Banner to become the Hulk and in this one it was waiting for Ben Murphy to become invisible, though that is a lot less awesome than Banner becoming the Hulk which is probably why this show would have long been forgotten if not for being riffed by MST3K.

The story is a bit messed up in places, but first things first, we are introduced to Intersect where Sam Casey is an agent who can go invisible. He is tasked with driving some sort of fuel additive to an installation, but the creator of it just wants to embezzle some money. He does what he can to get his fuel additive to explode as it becomes extremely volatile after a certain length of time. Abby, a woman who also works with Intersect, gets caught and is trapped with the bottle of additive. Then we are thrust into the car racing portion of the movie that really does not make any sense. One can say a lot of things about the first portion of the film, but you do know what is going on. This one just has a guy named Robert Denby, who is elusive, blowing stuff up at random. Why he is going to blow up the race car may have been explained better in the actual show or perhaps the reasoning was cut by MST3K, but this portion of the film is a bit confusing and the only thing that binds these two episodes together is Jim Stafford as Buffalo Bill, an annoying redneck type who sings lousy!

This made for a rather funny episode of MST3K as they were making fun of the 70's a lot in the first portion of the film and making fun of Stafford and the strange nonsensical plot during the second portion of the film. The bumps for this one were also very funny as I loved the one featuring Servo doing his song for the 70's. All in all a very good episode as they had a lot to work with, this television episodes or some times pilot episodes always make such funny episodes of MST3K.

I cannot say whether the actual show this 'movie' was made from was any good, but I am pretty sure it was not as these two episodes are pretty bad. It also only lasted like eight total episodes, though there were a lot of shows that only lasted this long or maybe a bit longer that I enjoyed. Manimal, Automan and Tales of the Golden Monkey are three shows off the top of my head that did not last long that I loved as a kid, but then again, kids are stupid. This one probably did suck as the only thing that differentiated it from other things was Casey's invisibility and that was not that awesome of an effect to pull off. Short lived show that was turned into a movie that would have been buried had MST3K not unearthed it.
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