Worthless addition to the slasher genre
4 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This dumb-as-nails sequel proved to be a temporary final nail in the coffin for the short-lived I KNOW franchise, thank goodness. It also happens to be one of the worst slasher films out there – a god-awful, boring, and utterly clichéd and predictable attempt at a genre already dried out before the film went into production. Dull characters, a moronic, lowest-common-denominator script, and a lack of action all round make this a real chore to sit through. The script is littered with unintentional stupidity and even though it's well-shot throughout, director Danny Cannon can make nothing of this vapid, senseless mess. Watch out for the scene where a girl is frying on a locked sun-bed as her friends take forever to smash the lock, not noticing the dial nearby which would turn it off and save her from harm.

The characters range from the irritating to the truly obnoxious – who the heck is Brandy and who thought that she had any acting capabilities whatsoever? Jennifer Love Hewitt is especially bland here and gives a worse performance than in the original, where she looked better surrounded by a couple of decent actors. Here, she's the best actress in the film, and it makes her look godawful anyway. The male characters are clichéd and dumb, and non-actor Freddie Prinze Jr. returns to go through the most unlikely scenario ever devised. I love the way his half-dead accident victim manages to fist fight the villain at the end of the film, throwing what little credibility there was right out of the window. The only decent actor in the film is Jeffrey Combs and even he is wasted in what amounts to little more than a cameo appearance.

Despite the new setting, there is absolutely nothing new added to the slasher genre that we haven't seen before. The minor characters are bumped off until finally the central foursome find themselves pursued by the killer. There are a couple of boring, pointless plot twists which don't make any difference to anything, and an over-the-top finale. The film only picks up pace in the last half hour which means there is a stultifying hour and ten minutes of random boredom before then. There isn't even any decent gore to speak of, the film being surprisingly bloodless considering the certificate. A totally worthless addition to the genre which is not worth a watch by anybody.
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