What's wrong with some of these reviewers?
8 August 2016
It's Joe Dirt 2! Whatever you're thinking it should be, you're wrong. Did you see Joe Dirt? Both are HILARIOUSLY FUNNY! I woke my wife up several times howling laughing. It's witty and funny in a intellectual way, if that makes sense. If you're not paying attention to the dialog you won't get it. You have to actually pay attention and watch and listen.

Joe Dirt and Joe Dirt 2 are comedy classics like Airplane and Naked Gun. I was 13 when I went to see Airplane at the theater. I asked for one ticket for the "Mat Daily story." They had no idea what I was talking about but my friends mother was cracking up. She was the only one that got it.

I just don't understand what's wrong with most people. When Austin Powers opened in the theater I was the only one cracking up. No one else thought it was funny. Now, it's a classic. It seems a lot of people just don't know what funny is until someone tells them.

I love this mindless comedy. Maybe people think it's easy to write this, but no. It's very difficult to truly make the ultra-stupid actually funny.
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