First Strike (1996)
Smooth action vehicle for Jackie Chan
8 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This instalment of Jackie's POLICE STORY series doesn't have much connection to the previous episodes, other than the welcome return of a cameoing Bill Tung playing Jackie's superior, Uncle Bill. Instead, this is more of a James Bond-style tale of international espionage, the hunt for a missing nuclear warhead, warring factions, and of course plenty of Jackie's unique style of action, namely martial arts mayhem.

As with most of Jackie's films from the 1990s, the emphasis is on non-stop stunts, chases and action, mixed in with a fast placed plot and a couple of HUGE bad guys (action cinema veteran Nathan Jones) lurking around for good measure. Critics will always complain about elements of Chan's movies, whether it be the acting or the storyline, but rest assured that this is solid entertainment all the way which - whilst not quite up to the previous three movies - certainly packs a punch in terms of action and is at least as exciting, if not more so, than the latest Hollywood blockbuster.

So my recommendation is to sit back, ignore all the double-crossing agents and confusing back story of the film, and instead enjoy the endless action which just gets better and better as the film progresses. Beginning with some action on the ski-slopes of the Ukraine for a change, the film offers lots of adventures in international locations. Jackie is chased by henchmen at the top of a tower block, jumps on to a helicopter from a cliff, and falls into a freezing cold lake.

Then there's the major martial arts fight halfway through, in which he takes on a gang of henchmen using all kind of furniture as weapons, culminating in his ultimate use of a step ladder to repel the enemy! My favourite moments include the assault on the carnival parade and the ensuing hijinks, and the awesome climax which offers tons of the usual kung fu action, all taking place underwater in a shark-infested tank! Plus things are rounded off with the usual stunt work and Jackie being as cool as ever. Not one of THE classic Chan films, but very entertaining, smooth and recommended viewing for action lovers everywhere.

NB. I've since had the pleasure of watching the original Chinese version, from which 23 minutes were excised by Weinstein. The plot makes better sense now and the missing comedy scenes are very funny, improving the production as a whole.
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