Donkey Kong (1981 Video Game)
''How high can you get?''
10 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
As someone far too young to remember this game first time round, my first experience with it did not come until about two years back when myself along with my wife and son attended a video games exhibition at our local museum, where many retro arcade games were available for people to enjoy such as 'Elevator Action', 'Space Invaders', 'Defender' and, of course, 'Donkey Kong'. I had never really bothered with the game until my visit to the museum, however shortly after playing it I was hooked. I spent so long on the arcade machine that people who were queuing up to have a shot gave up waiting and walked off. After leaving the museum, I was then on a mission to find a copy of this game.

On Christmas day last year my wish came true when as a present my dear wife presented me with an NES ( Nintendo Entertainment System ) console complete with games, one of which of course was 'Donkey Kong'. I could not have been happier.

'Donkey Kong' is a gorilla who kidnaps a damsel named Pauline and takes her atop a rather dangerous looking scaffolding. Her knight in shining armor ( who you must control ) comes in the shape of Mario ( or 'Jumpman' as he was known then ). Mario must attempt to rescue the damsel in distress from the ape ( who attempts to stop you by chucking large wooden barrels down at you ) by successfully reaching the top of the scaffold and defeating Kong.

It does not take very long to complete though all the same requires skill and patience. Sadly, with things like 'Minecraft' ( which I loathe ) flooding the games market these days, 'Donkey Kong' does not stand up anywhere near as well as it once did. Gamers these days are notoriously picky and if their games do not have high-tech graphics with multi-player mode or anything else modern they do not want to know. Not me, give me 'Donkey Kong' anytime.

To give you an idea of how big the character once was, 'The Simpsons' episode 'The Springfield Files' featured 'Donkey Kong' appearing outside Noiseland Arcade waiting to be greeted by fans, to which 'Wiseguy' appeared and told him ''You just are not a draw anymore!''. 'Donkey Kong' then responded by throwing a barrel at his head, making him realise that Kong has 'still got it!'. Also last year he was used by Tim Herlihy and Timothy Dowling in their hilarious blockbuster 'Pixels' starring Adam Sandler.
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