In one of the most glaring displays of Near-Sightedness ever . . .
3 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
. . . ALL FOURTEEN of the human beings seen and\or heard during the seven-minute documentary short THE CHARM OF STINK are MEN!! (No, this is not a piece about the just-concluded Rio Olympics, during which Americans were forced to row and sail through raw sewage and go Number One in the bushes, with guns trained on them.) THE CHARM OF STINK is an ode to the most odoriferous rapist in the History of Film, "Pepe Le Pew." (Though a few of the dozen Talking Heads acknowledge here that "Pepe" ACTUALLY is moonlighting from being Henry-the-Henpecked Husband, an absentee father to dozens of little stinkers, the obvious comparisons between Mrs. Henry and Today's enablers such as Mrs. Cosby or Mrs. Clinton NEVER is made!) This piece ends with several clueless Hollywood Types rhapsodizing over "Pepe's" inexorable campaign of sexual assaults against terrorized, mostly female victims. "Nothing will stop him!" these knuckleheads chuckle and gloat, never seeming to realize that the same was said of Ted Bundy, Richard Speck, and The Boston Strangler. Ask yourself, why does Warner encourage a dozen frat boys to prattle about Pepe, without allowing a peep from any woman?!
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