Meet Me in St. Louis (1959 TV Movie)
No matter how good this is, it's always in the shadow of the original.
7 September 2016
Have you ever seen a movie...only to think to yourself "why did they EVER make this?!"....well, this is exactly how I felt when I watched this made for TV version of "Meet Me in St. Louis"....why did they bother making this?!?! There are three huge problems with the production. First, the original 1944 film is one of the most perfect musicals ever made....perfect in every way. So why make a remake? And, how can it possibly come close to the original?! Second, if you are going to make a remake of a perfect film, you don't make it practically a word-for-word copy! All throughout the film I knew EXACTLY what everyone was going to say because I'd seen the original several times. And, third, the movie is not better in any way. It's in black & white instead of glorious color, the acting is decent but not an improvement on the original and Jane Powell had a lovely voice but her operatic style is not even close to the wonderful singing of the original lead, Judy Garland. Overall, there is no reason to see this one...just find the 1944 picture instead. And, if you've already seen the 1944 version...well, just see it again and skip this one!!! Ill-conceived and pointless...but if you INSIST on seeing this one, it's on YouTube.
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