Adam & Paul (2004)
A Masterpiece
10 September 2016
Sometimes (though so extremely rarely that its almost mythical that it may ever happen once in your life and if twice you count yourself blessed beyond all that is holy) you run across a movie that you'd never heard of and upon watching it unfold before your (there's a word I'd like to quote here from the movie that would be most appropriate but I can't cause it would take a letter before i before g and five stars and an apostrophe to tentatively test IMDb's family friendly policy so I'll just go on instead) eyes you find yourself not quite believin' what you're seein' and then when you realize it's getting' going' and buildin' and buildin' and then, O.M.G. when it ends you cry for your good fortune for finding it and watching it and that you'll never again be able to see it for the first time again but who cares, you've seen what you've seen and for a moment you stare at the screen then wipe the tears from your eyes, then wipe the tears of joy for seeing this film from your eyes and you rise from your seat no matter if you're all alone or in the middle of a crowd of strangers, you leap from you seat clapping so hard and so fast and so loudly that your hands hurt so badly you weep but you cant stop to wipe your face because you're screaming with such joyful intensity at the screen the credits are gracing and you realize that all the strangers around you are doing the same thing and you grab hold onto one another and pass the moment in the exquisite embrace of pure unadulterated holy humanity. Then after many long moments savoring it together you hug everyone around you and kiss each of them full on the lips and some of them become friends for life the movie was that profound. And you run home to your computer and you look up this movie and you discover what happened to its stars and you weep and you weep and you weep for all he has achieved. And you cross yourself and bless him. Again and again.


If you consider yourself a movie buff of any degree you will race to watch this movie and, while I know you'll try and try and try to resist me and what I've said here, by the end you will find yourself grudgingly at least, agreeing with me. Whole, ______' hardidly.

Really. Don't believe me? Throw down and see.


(and i'm not even catholic, and its not even relevant and yet, well, i bow low still)

One day.
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