A good documentary.. if you're really stupid. (In other words it sucks toxic chemicals)
11 September 2016
So, Netflix tricked me into watching this. I saw it in the documentary-list, and thought: Netflix has a lot of good documentaries, this might be cool.. well.

It starts off with some questionable statistics and data. (Hey filmmakers: Correlation does not imply causation) Then some interviews with ignorant, stupid Americans that all keep saying 'chemicals' and 'toxic chemicals'. (Drinking game: drink every time someone says 'toxic chemicals'. Or better yet: every time someone says just 'chemicals'. Although then you'll probably die from chem, uhm, alcohol- poisoning.)

Then follows some comments from you know, scientists or doctors or whatever, then back to more bad statistics and back to the stupid Americans, aaand loop it! Like this one woman, she got cancer, and because she was living so healthy pre-cancer, she just assumes that a toxic chemical was the reason for her getting cancer. Because she was living so healthy, you guys! It's the chemicals, I'm telling you! Toxic chemicals.

A couple of times the interviewees seem so stupid and uninformed, that it got kind of funny, even tho the topic was pretty serious. It's also very disconcerting that everyone is talking about toxic chemicals, with few examples of what these chemicals are. As if toxic chemicals is this one dangerous substance. Newsflash: chemicals come in all shapes, sizes and uses. Most of them are pretty harmless in small doses. But dosage is not discussed here at all.

This is just a bad documentary. Questionable data, very little science, dumb interviewees, also just straight up boring. I'm sorry, but watching a 10 minute segment of some person having a meeting informing some other people of the dangers of 'toxic chemicals' is just not what I want to watch. Yawn.

If you're stupid and ignorant this documentary is for you! If you're a thinking, average or above intelligent person, stay clear. I wonder if Sean Penn regrets doing this, lol.
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