Review of Smolensk

Smolensk (2016)
Great movie honor vs betrayer!
18 September 2016
The movie excellently uncovers the plot that led to Smolensk crash. My heart and mind was so excited seeing the drama but not because the President Kaczynski and many others died in the crash but because I knew that there are people like me who suspected since beginning that it was not just simple crash. Why? Even looking at very prosaic reason. The party, Civic Platform and Polish government at that time with Prime minister Donald T. were doing everything to attack and punish people who dared to asked about Smolensk crash.(were they hiding something at that time I thought ?). Even after many years in the review you can find false claims "pilot fault ...and pressure on pilots" even though Miller report said that gen Blasik was not into cabin and there was no pressure on pilots". I have questions to many who reviewed by writing "propaganda". Do you trust investigation done on the crash by Putin FSB-former KGB? (by the way when Nemcow, Russian activist, was shot in Moskov cameras were under maintenance.. coincidentally). Do you think if plane with Netherland citizens that was shot over Ukraine was investigated by would see Rusian missile as a main cause of the crash.?

Just yesterday I was listening to report on Smolensk crash and the head of the commission at that time Mr. Miller (Civic platform) on old recording said few days after crash "We need to match Polish report to Rusian one otherwise we will be in big trouble(we loose a lot)!" Thus, go watch the movie! and experience tragic but thrilling and exiting moments of honor, love and betrayer just before ..."Polish titanic" Tu-154 crash.
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