Dracula's Dog (1977)
Not a good film, but it would have been a lot better had Zoltan been a Toy Poodle!
18 September 2016
Dracula's dog, Zoltan (a Doberman), and his servant, Veidt (Reggie Nalder) are on a mission. Since Count Dracula and all the other Dracula family members are dead and gone in Romania, they're coming to the United States in search of Michael Dracula to make him the next vampire. However, Michael has changed his name to Michael Drake and wants nothing to do with drinking the blood of the innocents. All the while, a once well-respected American actor (José Ferrer) is pursuing both them AND the complete destruction of his career.

The problem I had with this film wasn't just the ridiculously dumb premise but the atmosphere of the film. It lacked that wonderful old black & white look and seemed more like a cheap made for TV movie. I think if they couldn't have replicated this look, then they should have had more fun with the film...such as having Zoltan played by a Toy Poodle or Yorkie! Well, at least they DID have a cute little puppy vampire. Or, perhaps if they'd had Zoltan sport a cute Dracula cape...that would have been so adorable! Regardless, the film is silly and best for lovers of camp cinema. Anyone wanting a serious vampire film should keep looking.
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