Silk Stalkings: Going to Babylon (1991)
Season 1, Episode 2
Silk Stalkings - Going to Babylon
18 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Rita (Mitzi Kapture) is rocked by a new case when she realizes that one of the chief suspects in a body dump (a heart-attack victim due to rough sex and amyl nitrite use, last seen at the shindig of wealthy RG Armstrong and his much younger wife, Deborah Rennard) was responsible for her father's loss of fortune due to bad investments purposely caused for his own benefit. Rita will lean on partner, Chris (Rob Estes), for emotional comfort and support as she forges ahead, determined to prove that the Camerons (Armstrong and Rennard) are involved in the second murder of a prostitute associated with the heart-attack victim (who happened to be an older and affluent businessman in his own right). Kinky sex, S&M, a college kid framed, rich old fart with a smokin' hot wife who likes to frequent clubs looking for those interested in experimental love making, Rita dealing with daddy issues, Chris getting tips from a piano-playing informant with plenty of pizazz in her language at some art deco club, and a despicable ex-cop with a drug addiction who turns on Rita and Chris when they go undercover by informing the Camerons on them; the plot is certainly busy in its 45 minutes. Mitzi Kapture, who gets plenty of time to show off her impressive figure in tight skirts, has her big character showcase, taking Chris to her former home, a derelict mansion left to ruin and overgrowth, explaining what happened to her father and how Armstrong was the culprit in his downfall. RG as a Palm Beach sugar daddy and Rennard as his trophy babe wife is a hilarious pair. Kapture isn't much of an actress but she sure isn't bad to look at for a near hour. Estes is Kapture's equal, a slick-haired hunk with the dreamboat chiseled grin. Both are costumed with colorful fabrics in their homicide detective suits…clearly Miami Vice was an influence. "Silk Stalkings" was that early 90s show that hadn't quite let go of the Scarface 80s. Lots of money, sexy bodies, and peculiar cop speak…its clearly aiming for a specific late night demographic. USA Network at 11:00 p.m. in the early to late 90s was a spot I often found myself as a teenager…miss those good ole days. The show went for a while, but I think the magic was in its first few years. The dialogue and plot gave me the giggles: not exactly Hill Street Blues or Law & Order. When you watched this show, the way the cops speak to each other with their own unique language is most amusing. Descriptions through symbolism where "silk stockings" and "white noise" define sex involved crime, with hardboiled cop delivery opposing pop art colored sets and suits makes for quite a cocktail.
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