Many Millennials need to learn how Henry Ford fought The Kaiser . . .
30 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
. . . during World War Two, when the Fate of the Free World was at stake in circumstances eerily congruent with Today's. Leader Kaiser (or "The Kaiser," as he was referred to back then) is mentioned by name at the end of this Warner Bros. animated short, THE WEAKLY REPORTER. This is because Warner realized that The Kaiser was far more crucial to the Future of Mankind than the many self-promoters appearing more often in the Newsreels but NOT acknowledged here, including Gens. Eisenhower, Patton, and MacArthur--and ESPECIALLY The Kaiser's Evil Rival (and Hitler's golfing buddy), Henry "Model T" Ford-not-so-tough. The Kaiser had built most of America's great dams during the 1930s, including Bonneville, Boulder, and Grand Coulee. Then, while Ford and Hitler were enjoying their schnapps at the 19th Hole, The Kaiser began churning out Liberty, Victory, and Pocket Aircraft Carrier ships in four days or less to thwart the Nazi takeover of America Hank and Adolph were plotting. After the War, The Kaiser championed Hillary Care through his Applied Research Health Companies, branching out into steel and aluminum so that he could build safer, sturdier cars than the rust buckets being foisted off upon deluded Americans by that High Treason Traitor, Hank Ford. However, in cahoots with Toot-Your-Own-Horn megalomaniac General-turned-President Dwight "I like Ike" Eisenhower, the Ford Family conspired to squelch the Kaisers and turn the Majority of Americans into Intolerant Nazi-like Bigots. If Donald Trumps Hillary, it's likely that the last remnant of The Kaiser's teachings will be lost forever.
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