average, very painful watch for viewers.
30 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
*Spoiler/plot- Starship Valiant: Legacy, 2014. A close knit Star Fleet crew suffers some deaths and battle action. They spend time healing from it.

*Special Stars- Masses of Fan actors. Created-(why?) Michael L. King.

*Theme- Starfleet is family.

*Trivia/location/goofs- fan film, Supposedly from the TOS era.

*Emotion- The costumes are average and the full size sets are nice. Glad to see no heavy dependence on green scene tricks with virtual sets stolen from Star Trek software games or downloaded from Online. Those gimmicks are another amateurishly over done on many fan video matters with the accompanying horrendous un-watchable lighting problems that jar you. The production did not do it's homework in the casting dept. NON-actors were asked to perform highly emotional/acting scenes. These folks exhibited on camera all of the shallow emotions from 'A' to barely 'B'. It's very painful watch for viewers. The casting of overweight performers in uniformed Star Fleet roles is another rookie mistake. The dialog is horribly written and delivered. It's like no one directing this attempt at drama took time to listen to the awkward words and flat emotions from performers. The camera scene set-ups are amateurishly shot with little movement.

*Based On- TOS Trek canon.
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