Review of Stalled

Stalled (I) (2013)
High concept, low quality.
8 October 2016
In British comedy/horror Stalled, a janitor (Dan Palmer) finds himself trapped in a ladies toilet cubicle during a zombie outbreak; unfortunately, this fairly neat concept is flushed away by a lousy script that fails to deliver either the laughs or scares, while wooden performances push any potential even further round the U-bend.

The film takes place on Christmas Eve as W.C.—as the janitor is appropriately named—prepares to leave his job for good, having helped himself to the charity money raised by office employees during their seasonal work do. However, before W.C. can abscond with the cash, the living dead block his way, forcing him to reconsider his plans.

After a while, W.C. becomes aware of another survivor, a woman, also trapped in one of the cubicles; what follows is lots of desperately unfunny dialogue between the two, the nadir of which is a 'charming' tale of incest, interspersed with uninspired zombie action (which at least provides some cheapo splat-stick gore, I suppose).
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