Review of 31

31 (2016)
expected a lot more!!!
22 October 2016
I am a die-hard movie fan and this is my first review. I was and still am a huge fan of White Zombie. I even heard a song the other day and had to stop to take it in. I saw a copy of House of 1000 Corpses several times before I actually purchased it. I think the title turned me away, I am a huge horror movie fan but seldom does anything truly original come along. House of 1000 Corpses, Devil's Rejects, and the remake of Halloween were all awesome Rob Zombie entries. The first reboot of Halloween I had read that they limited him a bit to keep to the original story. He expanded on it brilliantly giving us more insight on Michael Myers childhood and then letting which was a great update. I think one the things that set his previous films apart is that he established the story around the individuals that you are not supposed to root for and that was refreshing. Getting to know Michael Myers' as a child and seeing a bit of what makes him tick and the story in his early films following the "crazy" people instead of the victim have been awesome, you actually start to root for the baddies for awhile. In to this film though! I am sorry to say that Rob Zombie tried to use part of his formula that worked so well for him in earlier films, and I really did want to like it, but I did not. It had that early 70's gritty horror film look in the beginning. So on to this film, it was not great, it was not even good. It did not establish anything new. It did not take on the view of the killers, the formula that made his films really good. It had a few moments of the gritty 70's feel in the beginning but quickly turned into a run of the mill crap-fest. Mr. Zombie please return to the thought process that made your films cutting edge and made us want to watch them...the guy stomping around "This is hell, this is Hell!" or this "Who's your daddy!" not this crap.
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