Director John Ford promotes Fratricide, Infidelity, Arson, and Anarchy . . .
26 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
. . . in another of his Paeans to Paganism, titled HANGMAN'S HOUSE. Educated people know that Democracy was invented centuries ago in a small island chain called Great Britain, when the Magna Carta was signed. The British had to enlighten the inhabitants of their outer islands that such practices as Cannibalism and Soccer were Bad Heathen Habits, but some of their more backward atolls remain subject to backsliding even in Today's 21st Century, as evidenced by the recent Brexit vote. Mr. Ford comes down hard on the side of the Satanic Idolators, portraying the few Civilized Brits appearing on-screen here as Cartoonish Snidely Whiplashes. This is especially grating upon informed movie watchers' sensibilities, as they're aware that in Real Life Mr. Ford and his notorious "Road Company" featuring miscreants such as Victor McLaglen (seen here), Ward Bond, and the infamous (and justly hung here) Marion Mitchell Morrison not only engineered and pulled the strings for the murderous McCarthy Witch Hunt Punch & Judy Show, but they also sang like canaries, back-stabbing unsuspecting colleagues over petty jealousies, coveted Floozies, or professional opportunities as the Super Duper Snitch Squad. This makes Ford's "snitches get stitches" pretense during HANGMAN'S HOUSE particularly galling. The only comforting thought to be found here is that Mr. Ford no doubt is Roasting For Real right now, like his Snidely Whiplash character in HANGMAN.
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