Sponsored By Apple
27 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I have just finished watching this film, I have many issues with it. First of all, why are these PG-13 teen drama movies always seemed to be sponsored by Apple? I find this highly annoying.

Secondly, there is no character development. I feel nothing for these snotty little rich kids going to university, they have all the best clothes, and all the best mobile devices, and so forth. Most kids going to university wouldn't even be able to afford Apple products.

The entire film just seems like a cheesy ripoff of "The Ring", there are a lot of similarities. It also feels like it was mixed with the film "I Know What You Did Last Summer".

A scene that really annoyed me was where one of the kid kills himself that lives in residence on campus, we know what is about to happen, and my issue was as he walks down the halls of this residence, you see no one in sight, the entire place is empty. Okay so everyone moved out and he's the only one in the dorm? Makes no sense to me. Then they break the forth wall at the end right before the credits, that set the teen drama cheesiness to factor 10.

Final verdict

The director of photography was obviously a talented person, it had great direction, and the film seemed to flow quite nicely, but the idea and the story behind this film was it's downfall, with constant cliché scenes and just issues with the plot and unlikable characters, Also the fact that it was obviously sponsored by Apple is another annoyance, every scene had an Apple product in it.

There is product placement and then there is this film. I give it 2 out of 10 stars, for the most part the actors did what they could, but there roles were cheaply written, but I must say the jump scares were perfectly timed, so at least someone on the set knew what they were doing. This film is watchable but in the end it will go down as a forgettable film, but this will probably spawn many sequels to squeeze a little more out of the teen drama franchise empire. Well at least it wasn't a remake.......
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