The Walking Dead: Twice as Far (2016)
Season 6, Episode 14
Twice as far, two steps back
30 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
What looked like it would be an average filler episode became much more interesting. It's about the development of two characters, Denise and Eugene, into fearless survivors. They both develop in their own ways and face different challenges. The scene in which Denise finds out the baby was eaten by a walker is harrowing and the scene in which Eugene rejects Abraham's help is particularly effective, as he does so with scientific matter-of-factness that upsets Abraham. But it's great how Eugene has developed this season.

Of course, TWD's creators love to shock audiences and they've done it again here, with the death of Denise in the middle of her speech. How sad. Except anyone could see this coming. After all, when does this show ever kill off secondary characters just as they develop into stronger characters? The show's creators need to realise they can't keep doing this, as the only reaction Denise's death provoked from me was a sigh and the thought 'They've done it again'. Every time I think this show can develop into something more, it just crawls back into the same territory it's covered before. Killing characters off for shock factor. And I'm not saying that can't ever be effective. When executed well (pun not intended), it can be a saddening moment, such as Jessie's death a few episodes previously. That was effective also because it was her fault that she died. But that doesn't happen with Denise's death. She's killed with no narrative purpose other than to shock viewers by ending her life at her best moment.

The episode also falters with where Carol is heading. How, in the space of two episodes, has she transformed from a badass into a weakling?

A disappointing episode overall. It manages to hold a lot of tension and the fight at the end in which Eugene shows his resourcefulness is a good way to end it, but the cheap death and Carol's bizarre character arc hold it from being a great one.
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