A Nice Moonshine Movie
7 November 2016
Doug Martin, a "society" western-mountain singing star on television, goes back to the Carolina hills, to get some authenticity to his over-citified blandness. There he meets up with the Carpenters and the Bashams, two families who, together with Sheriff Asa Potter, own a gigantic moonshine still which keeps the local countryside soaked with "white lightning."

Watching this movie is like watching a fictional version of a Les Blank documentary. We get plenty of backwoods music and scenery, and although it is all fake, it seems almost as though it could be real. The music, at the very least, is somewhat authentic.

In Lewis' oeuvre, this is a hard one to categorize. It's not gore or exploitation or anything risqué. It's a pretty straightforward story of a big city musician in the middle of nowhere.
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