Jam-packed with non-stop entertainment
13 November 2016
'Sally, Irene and Mary' had a good deal going for it and delivers a good deal too. It's no classic, but it's a long way from a stinker and the entertainment value is non-stop.

It's less than flawless by all means. Most of the cast are very good indeed, but Marjorie Weaver doesn't have an awful lot to do, with her material not being as juicy as Alice Faye and Joan Davis and not as memorable, and despite singing gloriously Tony Martin is stiff and quite mannered acting-wise. While there is more of a plot than most film musicals from this period and it's action-packed and entertaining, the complications are endless and dizzying that it actually feels too busy and complicated.

The songs are pleasant enough and well sung, but other than the amusing "Who Stole the Jam" which is also the most inventively staged (the others being fun and efficient but without much imagination), they are somewhat forgettable.

However, much of the cast is splendid, with a charming Alice Faye, a feisty Joan Davis, Jimmy Durante providing fun slapstick support in a small role and Fred Allen, Gypsy Rose Lee, Eddie Collins and Gregory Ratoff being particularly entertaining in support, Barnett Parker delights too as does Mary Treen.

Comedy sparkles with energy and wit, and the energy and fun is non-stop. The film also looks great, beautifully shot and colourful, and it's solidly directed too.

On the whole, not flawless but jam-packed in the entertainment stakes, and the cast and the comedy make it worthwhile and more than make up for the musical numbers lacking a little. 7/10 Bethany Cox
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