Wasted 1.5hrs of my life
18 November 2016
I watched Mall Cop awhile back and it was terrible, so when I saw on Netflix telling me that I would like this movie and suggested rating of 4.5 star, I decided to give this movie a chance.

Sadly, it was just as bad and as sh*tty as Mall Cop.

The story line was generic as a slice of stale bread, and so predictable that I was bleeding out of my eyes by the end of the movie.

The poor pathetic "action" scenes were so boring that I sat there dumb founded at how retarded it was.

The best "action" scene was 1 hr and 29 minutes into the f*cking movie, which was literally the last 3 minutes of the movie. Even the freaking ending was so predictable that I was shaking my head in disbelief at how generic it was.

I wasted pretty much 1.5 hours of my life in which I could've been way more productive like taking a sh*t in my bathroom or giving my dog a bath than watching this 0 star movie.

All in all, don't bother watching it. If you hated Mall Cop, you'll hate this one too.

No offense to Kevin James, but he should probably stop making these "action" comedy movies. There is no action, there is no comedy, it all leaves the audience brain dead and wishing they had sucked sh*t out of the toilet with a straw instead.
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