How can anyone even find this entertaining?
28 December 2016
Wow, the summary title says it all doesn't it?

Now as of me, I do enjoy a good Crimbo film every now and then. You turn on the telly, grab a nice drink of Cola or Coffee or even some random juice or something silly like that, and you enjoy a nice little film.

Stuff like The Muppet Christmas Carol, Home Alone, It's A Wonderful Life, all that kind of wonderful stuff. These are beautiful Christmas films that has really good acting, some funny humour and of course something that'll tug your heart till you fall off your seat.

Now you're probably thinking, why are you talking about other random Christmas films and not The Grinch my fellow bloke? Well, I say that because unlike all those other films I just mentioned The Grinch will probably instead immediately turn you into an absolute grouch by the time the credits start rolling.

I'm dead serious, serious even to the bottom of my legs. I can not for the life of me stand this film whatsoever. Now before you all start chucking Tomatoes and broken TV's at me, I can STILL understand the appeal of this film so I'm not gonna whinge and moan at you all to not watch it because... you still can, I'm not greedy like that you know.

What I am gonna do (for the others who don't wanna see it) tell you how awful this film is.

First things first and probably most foremost, this is Jim Carrey at his absolute grating. Just look at him, look at him on ya TV screen. Running around, endlessly shouting, spurting out references the entire population will forget in under a second. Jesus, this Grinch gives the current CBBC presenters of today a run for their money.

Another thing that's also foremost is Ron Howard's direction. (Spoiler alert: he's completely mis-directed) It feels off. Way too off for something like the Grinch, I can understand that he's going for a sort of wacky Burtonesque feel to it but in my eyes it makes the film look more tacky than it's supposed to be.

Speaking of tacky, that sort of explains the jokes too. All tacky and rubbish like that crap joke you get in some cheap Christmas cracker. None of it stuck to me and I completely forgot about any of the jokes.

And even at 90 or 100 something minutes, I honestly feel like the film's running 8 hours because everything is so loud and frantic you'll want to bash yourself on the head 8 million times and run around shouting "THE NOISE! THE NOISE!" so that the pain will stop.

So any good stuff? Well, they kept that "You're A Mean One" song in (though it's a prime example I should be watching the far better Chuck Jones version instead).

Ummm, Anthony Hopkins did a good job as the narrator. And Cindy Lou Who was the only one I even cared about, honestly I just wanted her to put the Grinch out his misery.

So as you probably already knew, I hated this Grinch. Every minute of it was grating and I too now feel like a grumpy Grouch.

BAH-HUMBUG! Yeah, you can all put it with your other Christmas classics, as for me I'm putting it in the bin with other Christmas clunkers like Jingle All The Way and Santa With Muscles so I never have to put up with anything like this again.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to watch the true version (Chuck Jones) so I can wipe those horrid memories away. Good day sir.
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