Humanity progress and the potential of the future
6 January 2017
Brian Cox is the new face of science along with Neil deGrasse Tyson who's Carl Sagan Cosmos update is out of this world. Cox's Wonders of… Trilogy made us wonder about life (5 episodes). the universe (4 episodes).and the solar system (5 episodes). Here Cox makes us think and is a bit more pragmatic and culturally sensitive to present the human perspective of the universe. The series starts strong with a link to our adaptive ancestors all the way to our impressive space achievements. Cox awaits a Soyuz reentry and rendezvous in Kazakhstan to greet cosmonauts. We have permanent presence in space (ISS) and here are humans coming back from this home…

The second episode asks the tough philosophical question and proposes some answers, while the third episode asks about the likelihood of aliens, interviewing famous Dr. Frank Drake who's equation has been the base of scientific speculation since the 1960s. The episode however talks about some of its variables and implications, yet the conclusion reached at the end of the narrative is hasty and ill-explained. If that was the direction intended then the episode could have been longer, better researched or better edited.

After this still interesting chapter, the two last episodes are simply brilliant. The last one is the crown achievement of the series and perhaps also is the conclusion for the Wonders of… Trilogy as well as it is extremely well-written and delivered by Brian Cox. From the initial cave in Spain to the penultimate revelation of potential Neanderthal culture & intelligence that were extinct as alternate theory, thinking and warning, the script is science and philosophy at its best. The final shot in the Space Station window is priceless and says it all. Bravo!

Americans spend 10 times more on their pet grooming than in fusion energy research which could change humanity's future… We haven't put another human on the moon since 1972, 45 years ago… We can do better! Thanks Brian and BBC team

Education (and entertainment) is key

Episodes 1 "Apeman - Spaceman" 10/10 2 . "Why Are We Here?" 9/10 3 . "Are We Alone?" 8/10 4 . "A Place in Space and Time" 10/10 5 . "What is Our Future?" 10/10
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