Netflix Does It Again
9 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This show is amazing. I binged watched it in about a week. I had interest in the show because I like Del Torro's work but I didn't expect to like the show so much. From the first scene they get you hooked and wanting to see more All the characters are great and get you to know each one of them. They make you love characters from a lovable giant Troll to a small quirky Knome. The three Villains on the show are really good too. One of the best ways I can describe the show is like a Spider-man type vibe were a teen is given these amazing powers that he has to use to protect and also has to balance it with his everyday school and home life. The only thing I have to say that might be taken as bad was that mid way through the season they switch villains and it sort of feels like a whole new season. But that does not take away anything on how good the show is. I will highly recommend this show to everyone I know and am hoping that a second season will come some time in 2017 because it left us off with a big cliff hanger which I want to know what happens.
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