Ferpect Crime (2004)
Absurdist black comedy at its blackest and funnest -- This one will kill you!
10 January 2017
El Crimen Ferpecto was viewed at the 2006 Valladolid film Festival in Spain. Director: Alex de la Iglesia. Stars Guillermo Toledo and Monica Cervera. A sidesplitter about a skirt chaser who works as a salesman in the women's wear section of an upscale department store and is bucking for the job of floor manager. Rafael is not only the best salesman in the biggest department store in Madrid but an irresistible lady's man whose female colleagues cannot get enough of. His philosophy of life is live it to the hilt and get laid as much as possible. But he is an ambitious go getter as well and aspires to be the new head of sales on his floor. However, to do so he has to beat out Don Antonio a surly veteran top salesman who has much more seniority. The competition between them gets more and more acrid until Rafael accidentally kills Don Antonio in a scuffle inside a changing booth. Lourdes, the ugliest woman in the store, the only witness to the event, volunteers to help Rafael hide the corpse. After much bungling they manage to dispose of the body in the store incinerator. He's now in the clear except for Lourdes who is in love with him and threatens to expose him unless he marries her. No buts and ifs about it!

To save his skin he goes through with a most unwelcome wedding but now he has to figure out a way to get rid of her ... another "perfect crime"? -- as ghastly visions of Don Antonio with a knife protruding from his green head come back to haunt him regularly -- Because of the bungling all around the director purposely misspells the Perfecto (perfect) of the title so it becomes "Ferpecto" -- and the Perfect Crime becomes most imperfect.-A super hilarious black comedy from start to finish with plenty of subliminal social commentary embedded in the madness and deliciously sly rib-tickling work by actor Guillermo Toledo. One of the funniest films I have ever seen and Toledo's Rafael is one for the all-time comic record books. In any case a perfect madcap comedy with a side splitter every other minute. All supporting roles uniformly brilliant, notably Monica Cervera as the unwanted blackmailing bride. A black comedic masterpiece. Ten stars and no complaints.
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