Killing Fields (2016– )
The Discovery channel does it again and ruins a great idea by annoyingly stretching out episodes
11 January 2017
The Discovery channel should be taken out back and beaten to a pulp. So many of their programs are just so poorly edited/directed to the point where they drain the reality out of them.

This series is no different and could be the worst of the bunch. They so obviously stretch out the content it should be criminal. They replay things over and over and take side tracks and all of a sudden the hour is over and the coming attractions are on for next week.

Now with season two they've made it even worse by adding more cases to the pile. Now, they are changing off the original case in season one and switching around to different cases. This stretches everything out exponentially because they replay content even more now when they switch back to a different case.

What's the most annoying aspect of this is how many times we hear the same, "I'm gonna solve this if it's the last thing I do" garbage from Rodie Sanchez. They pan right in close to his face over and over. So annoying.

The direction and editing is second to Rodie as unbearable. The slo-mo bs, the misleading down certain paths, and so on.

Luckily, I can fast forward through and do my own editing. It takes me about 5 minutes to watch every hour episode. Way to go Discovery channel.
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