Lost in London (I) (2017)
Astounding! First rate comedy!
19 January 2017
If you can imagine BIRDMAN done as a CURB YOUR ENTHUSIASM "bearing and rending of Ego"...you've got a good understanding of what to expect from LOST IN London. Absolutely amazing, and it's really hard to believe they pulled it off in a single take...LIVE. If I hadn't stayed for the Q'n'A afterwards, I'd still have my doubts...it was that impressive of a feat.

It would be difficult to ruin the plot, as it's mostly an excuse to follow Woody through one entertaining night of fumbling...I really hope this will be available as a recorded purchase, so that I can revisit it, and have a closer look at the artistry of it. The acting is superb, the camera work is as good as anyone could do (and better than most!), and the cinematography was spot on.

The biggest possible flaw a project like this may suffer from (as with any project, even) is a flinching, uninsightful, uninspired, and semi- conscious delving into the ego of the writer/director/actor. Harrelson avoids these pitfalls, and handles it like a master. From his acting over the course of his career, there's always been a hint of brilliance beneath...but it's always tough to tell in a truly great actor where the acting ends and real person begins. He handles this roll (admittedly one with which he should be very familiar and had lots of practice) with an honesty and depth of character that shows he's been through it and come out the other side wiser for it...unless it's all an act.

Hard to tell, but a damn fine yarn, and funny as hell. I'm honored to have borne witness, and really hope to see it again, soon.
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