Every show has their flaws
21 January 2017
I enjoy this show but this is a rant of things they need to work on. Beware.

This show while very insightful, though it is sometimes poorly executed. I'm a big aviation geek (Hoping to get my license soon) and sometimes the episodes really annoy me.

1. One thing in every episode is the sounds. The sounds are always the same in every episode no matter if its a Lear 45 or a B737 or a DC10, they sounds are all the same. The sad thing is that even you (Yes the reader) can get very good sounds for very popular aircraft (and sometimes somewhat known aircraft) for around $45-$140, which should definitely be in their budget.

2. A pattern which you can spot. You will notice in the team of NTSB (Or who ever else is investigation) you can see that they have a team of ~8 people, but only 2-3 will actually talk, the others will just nod or acknowledge (This is also sometimes with actors which they interview). Another thing is just the narrator always saying the same thing like "How could a start of the art MD-80 crash?"

3. In every episode is that the cockpit layout REALLY bothers me. They're flying in a Boeing 767 for example, and the bottom half of the cockpit on each pilot's side is empty. It should be filled with instruments that are used or they need to work on the sizing of the cutouts for their panels. I also noticed they used a Saitek Pro Flight Yoke in the "Deadly Silence", which was a Lear 45, an episode, which REALLY set me off since they should have the budget to at least get a somewhat realistically looking yoke.

4. Lastly, is the tiny flaws. These are tiny flaws that get me a bit upset and can EASILY be fixed and can redo the short 4-12 seconds of clip but they don't. Here are some examples

  • On an episode, it was based in ~1980 and the radar had a modern day Windows 7 mouse cursor in the middle of the radar screen.

  • On an episode ~2002, a mouse cursor can be seen on an altitude gauge (I think) for 2 seconds. This could of EASILY been retaped as no one was even talking but it wasn't

This show is quite good and I enjoy watching but they really need to step their game up in some places.
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