Review of Conviction

Conviction (I) (2016–2017)
Conviction deserves to be renewed.
22 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
1) It is a female lead show. Not many of those on air. 2) Hayes is privileged, yet objective on controversial issues. Both are requirements for her job as head of the CIU. And although she is considered flawed and destructive and problematic, her objectiveness and vulnerability (which in my opinion originated in her privileged, yet overexposed childhood) redeem her. 3) The CIU is not a fictional unit. It exists in certain cities throughout the country. People should know about this fact. 4) The show brings diversity in many regards. And I for one love that Hayes is bi (and this fact was stated in a very casual, matter- of-factly way, as it should be). Plus Hayes and Maxine have developed a good friendship. And so have Tess and Frankie. 5) Tess has questioned her white privilege on multiple occasions. I think that makes her a fantastic role model. And we need more episodes to see that Matty actually forgave Tess (and that forgiveness is possible in such life-altering situations). 6) Frankie portrays that people can reform after a conviction. A prison sentence does not define a person. Human beings are multi- faceted, complex individuals who can change and improve. 7) And above all, the show brings up controversial issues that many people don't often think about or purposefully overlook because those issues don't affect their daily lives.
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