Mr. and Mrs. Bo Jo Jones (1971 TV Movie)
Not terrible....
26 January 2017
I found this made for TV on YouTube and it's a bit surprising for 1971, as the film is rather adult. So, to get around public outcry about teen pregnancy and abortion at that time, the subjects are talked around instead of talked about directly. In other words, it's very hip and well as old fashioned at the same time.

Bo Jo (Desi Arnaz Jr.) and Julie (the oddly named Christopher Norris) are both in high school and have been dating casually. However, Julie announces to Bo Jo that she's pregnant and the pair run off and get married. Not surprisingly, their parents aren't thrilled and the pair try to make a go of marriage--which is tough since they are both mere children themselves. Can the marriage survive or are they doomed like most such marriages?

So is this any good? Well, yes and no. At times the acting is a bit suspect and the script a bit limp. It does address a lot of interesting issues and is worth watching but I couldn't help but feel it should have been better. Plus, its message at the finale seemed way too fuzzy and sweet--and may have done much to encourage some viewers to follow in the leads' footsteps.
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