Familiar but well made.
27 January 2017
"Inside Straight" is a film after the same tradition as the Clark Gable film "Honkey Tonk" and Edward G. Robinson's "Barbary Coast". They are all stories about men who went out west and were determined to strike it rich. But, along the way, they lost track of what's important...their humanity and connection with others.

When the film begins, Rip McCool (David Bryan) is playing a high stakes game of poker with his old rival, Ada (Merceded McCambridge). It's a winner take all affair. But before the outcome of the game is shown, there are a long series of flashbacks in which everyone there give their recollections of their dealings with Rip...and they are mostly terrible. Rip is determined to make a fortune...regardless of what he has to do and who he needs to walk on to get it. You see Rip's ups and downs and his many, many mistakes.

This film is an enjoyable saga but not one that screams MUST SEE. Instead, it's well done and worth seeing but also rather familiar. I enjoyed it...and much of it is because I've always thought that Bryan was a very good actor despite being far from a household name.
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