28 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The Bye Bye Man is a master class in ineptitude.

Poor writing leaves us with under-developed characters whom it's impossible to care about, which waters down the already contrived and predictable "scares".

With the exception of one particular scene involving Carre-Anne Moss and an interrogation room, the acting is pretty awful, actually causing me to laugh out loud on several occasions.

And let's not forget about how bland and unoriginal this thing is, either. The Bye Bye Man himself is a guy in a hood and....that's it. Sometimes he'll point at one of the annoying characters. I'm almost insulted at the fact that director Stacy Title thinks that this will scare audience members.

I suppose it's not all bad, though. The film is at its best during the third act, when it goes into full-on thriller mode, and actually kind of works...until the credits roll and you realize how many lapses in logic and the sheer amount of plot holes that exist in this film.

I could probably go on a lot more about how terrible this was, but I think you get the point.

All I can say is, Don't see this film. Not even die-hard horror fans like myself will find anything to enjoy here.

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