Fiesta (1947)
Colourful but uneven fiesta
11 February 2017
When there is a cast like Esther Williams, Ricardo Montalban, Cyd Charisse and Mary Astor, the film in question promises much. Because all four of these people are very talented at what they do and have been rarely less than watchable in their films.

'Fiesta' is a long way from a bad film, it's colourful and it does have several good things about it. It is however a very uneven and heavily problematic film that considering the calibre of talent should have been much better than it was.

Starting with 'Fiesta's' strengths, it's very handsomely mounted and is shot in glorious Technicolor. The music is full of liveliness and makes one want to tap their toes and get up and dance, a kind of energy that the rest of the film doesn't match. Love the use of Copland's 'El Salon Mexico'.

The dance choreography is even better, the fiery dance routines with Montalban and Charisse are electrifying and 'Fiesta' is worth seeing for them alone. Montalban is as suave, dashing and charismatic as ever, while Charisse is charming and dances a dream. Astor is touching, though she deserved a bigger role and better material.

On the other hand, as radiant as Williams looks and her brief swimming scene is nice (though nowhere near one of her best routines) she does look ill at ease and any drama never rings true, her character being somehow related to Montalban severely strains credibility. John Carroll is rather bland, and there are somewhat hammy turns from Akim Tamiroff and Fortunio Bonanova.

Scripting-wise, 'Fiesta' is pretty pedestrian and contrived, not much wit here, while the story does lack momentum, is as thin as ice and credibility-straining nonsense. As for the bull scenes, for such a brutal "sport" they are pretty tame. Richard Thorpe's direction is undistinguished at best and the most energetic 'Fiesta' gets is in the scenes with Montalban and Charisse and the music.

In summary, colourful but uneven. Good for a one-time watch, but not good enough for repeat viewings. 5/10 Bethany Cox
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