Hunting the Elf and Picking a Berri
14 February 2017
This is an excellent but relatively little-known film scripted and directed by Claude Berri. The original French title of the film is ENSEMBLE, C'EST TOUT. It is based on a novel by Anna Gavalda. It offers yet another opportunity for the Elf (Audrey Tautou) to shine, which is always welcome to tautouologists. Her eyes are just as big as usual. Indeed, the behaviour of this rare mammal never disappoints and is as interesting as the meerkats, especially with her great big eyes. Elves also have the advantage of being related to humans, so that they are even more endearing. Here the Elf pretends to be difficult and disturbed, which we tautouologists know is only acting. Equally difficult and disturbed is Guillaume Canet, who for a long time does not fully appreciate the Elf, and is apparently blind to her merits. Indeed, there is even initial hostility between them. But then something called Love enters the story, and the two creatures discover the joys of cuddling and other such intimacies which mammals enjoy. Dancing round these two creatures is a splendid one called Laurent Stocker, who plays the character called Philibert, an aristocrat with many more grand names after that, including also the necessary 'de', without which no French aristocrat is complete. He is what is known as 'effete', but in the most charming and delightful and scatty way. They all end up living together in a gigantic flat in Paris which is full of antiques and family portraits of the 'de' family. As for the Elf and the Canet, they are not aristocrats, and the Canet has boorish habits such as living in an untidy nest with things all over the floor. This is a very charming romantic comedy, directed with the flair which we normally associate with the Berri, and which suits all films starring the irresistible Elf. All animal lovers and Francophiles will love this film. And even the French, who are so hard to please, must enthusiastically enjoy such an ensemble, and believe that c'est tout. Of course, this all happened a very long time ago, in 2007. But its warm glow persists in the sky of celluloid heaven.
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