Star Trek: The Gamesters of Triskelion (1968)
Season 2, Episode 16
Good episode of Star Trek
18 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The Captain, Uhura and Checkov are snatched mysteriously away from the transporter.They arrive on a planet occupied by some very bored aliens. Soon the aliens place a neck collar on our heroes to control them with physical pain, threatening them with permanent enslavement. The aliens then toy with our people in a cruel manner, apparently for perverse pleasure. Thankfully Captain Kirk figures a way out of it, with his bravado, along with his diplomacy and famous fighting skill. He kisses a pretty alien girl, Shauna, a few times as well along the way. Kirk overcomes the evil aliens, and forces them agree to release all their people from slavery, and teach them survival skills so they can be independent. There is a tearful pang at the end, when Kirk and the alien female Shauna must say good-bye. Decent Star Trek episode, with Spock, Scotty and the Doctor left on board, not knowing what is going on, arguing and trying to figure out what to do.Fortunately, Mr Spock's logic prevails and turns out to be the correct course of action.

Rather sad what became of Ms Littlejohn, who played Shauna, and then she died at a young age from a very treatable cancer.
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