Not worth the visit if you expect more than a coverband
15 February 2017
Saw them in Oslo. I kind of like the concept and the idea, but the execution leaves room for desire.

Basically, the "The loudest silent movie on earth" is not a silent movie at all, but a talky with dialog and sound effects. It has a clicheed, heavily religious as in "Heaven vs. Hell" story that is so corny you will flinch. And if you do not, than the ridiculous overacting of everybody but Lemmy in that movie will make you flinch, and you may have seen better acting in a Russ Meyer movie. Especially Henry Rollins, whom we know to be able to act, is dishing out overacting that is beyond any scale.

All in all, expect a rather average cover band playing some best of program through the years of rock and metal, combined with some video and sparse show effects. Expect large amounts of cliché in the video, all the chicks are thin and beautiful, rock is Satan, all blacks practise voodoo magic. I expected way more to happen in front of the screen, but the band kept on coming from behind it to show off and dance in front of it, totally distracting from the "in the movie" feeling.

They should have kicked the band, hired more actor personnel and more show effects, and played the songs off the really good records that exist.

On a personal note,playing the Rammstein song "Rammstein" to underline a witch burning may be slightly offensive to anybody understanding where the songs lyrics come from. Should've gone with "Burn the witch" by Qotsa instead. And,dear Mr. Drummer, if you want to play that Slayer song, please try to hold the speed and the timing. Slayer getting progressively slower because you can't bother isn't really what I came for.
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