Something that seems to be finer and sweeter than words
26 February 2017
A very pleasant picture to review, because of its substantial humanity and its great beauty. In it, once again the Biograph producer, whom everybody knows is Mr. Griffith, has succeeded in picturing something that seems to be finer and sweeter than words. The best scenes of it are also a great personal triumph for Little Mary. She plays the part of a young wife and mother with Henry Walthall in the part of the husband, and with a very good-natured, healthy baby as their child. The situation comes when the wife, from her point, has cause to be jealous of her husband's stenographer, a contrasting character which subtly effects the impression. The first touch which only needs an explanation and is brushed away, gives this talented a chance to show conjugal affection which shines through her pretty face like May sunlight. Her personal beauty and charm are to her, in this scene, as a Stradivarius to a master violinist, for she too makes music with them. A little later, that goosie, the stenographer, again makes her jealous. This also only needs an explanation; but the young wife doesn't know that and doesn't wait for it. For a few hours, tragedy hovers over the family, but it is all cleared in the end. A lovely picture and a most desirable release. - The Moving Picture World, November 2, 1912
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