Shackleton (2002)
A long "movie" but worth it!
6 March 2017
I saw "Shackleton" on A&E around 2002-03 and taped it because I thought it was so good, watched it again on Thanksgiving 2005, then it disappeared somewhere. I tried finding the DVD online, never could find one until FINALLY, about 2 weeks ago, I saw that Amazon had it for like $10. I immediately ordered the DVD and am waiting for a rainy, lazy weekend to watch it. It may be a while before I can view this fantastic adventure story again but at least I have the DVD in my possession--finally.

I love Kenneth Branaugh, the man can't give a bad performance, and his portrayal of explorer Ernest Shackleton is among his best. The movie goes into great detail about how Shackleton managed to talk the British government into funding an expedition to Antarctica. He had already been down there before, but now he wanted to cross the continent pole to pole. He managed to get the money despite the fact that Britain needed it for the Great War, which had just started that year (1914).

So Shackleton, on a ship named Endurance and a crew of men and dogs, set out for the South Pole. What starts out as a grand adventure turns into a struggle for survival in the middle of the frozen nowhere w/hardly any communication to the outside world. You just shake your head and wonder "Why did these guys even decide to do this and how are they going to get out it?" You have to watch this great movie to find out!
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